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Parents volunteered to participate in most committees. America Reads returned to campus to support reading with our Kinder - 2nd graders. We have an active PTA Board. Based on the Title I survey, 88% of parents stated they receive information about parent involvement activities. Parents report that they are able to attend meetings in the evenings, virtual meetings. and child care would help for those information meetings. 

Some of our activities include:

  • Meet the Teacher prior to the school year to allow parents to meet staff and ensure a positive start to the new school year.
  • Open House night at the beginning of each school year to guide parents in ensuring student success in academics.
  • Book Fair in the Fall and Spring to encourage a life-long love of reading.
  • DUDES(Dedicated Unicorn Dads/Dudes Engaging Students) to mentor students.
  • Parent Conferences throughout October and November, as well as when needed throughout the school year.
  • Academic events for parents to understand the curriculum and ways to support children at home.

A majority of parents want to attend conferences and awards to learn how to assist in their child's learning. When inquiring about the types of parent trainings, parents request positive parenting and how to partner with their child's school for their academic success.
